We create confident crypto investors
Thonic is a platform that offers institutional investor-grade financial tools to help everyone invest in altcoins and manage crypto portfolios.
Find out how Thonic works
Invest with confidence
Never invested in crypto before and worried about falling prey to a rug pull? Thonic gives you the necessary tools to invest with confidence. Use investor-grade reporting developed by senior analysts to help you decide which tokens are worth your buy.

Become a Crypto Pro with our Courses
Educational courses that cover a range of topics from Getting Started Investing in Crypto to Advanced Security and Strategy, Thonic gives you the tools to embark on your crypto journey.

Track your growth with our Dashboard
Knowledge is power, and knowing where your portfolio stands is essential for any investor. From blue chip tokens to fresh altcoins, Thonic’s dashboard summarizes your investments in an organized and concise manner.
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Vote on what's next.
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Bringing web3 to brokerages.
Financial grade crypto coin brokerage tools coming soon.